January 9, 2010

'Veronica' Interview

You've got a busy year ahead of you. What are your plans exactly?
Well, first we will do an elaborate tour. That requires a lot of preparation, which in turn takes a lot of time and effort. So, I'm trying to not too far ahead, haha.

What is so great about being Bill from Tokio Hotel?
It is magnificent, indeed. But look, we're just some guys who really love music. Guys who love to perform. Once you're on stage and you see all those fans - it is simply a great feeling. But it's very hard to describe how it makes you feel exactly.

What is the best gift you've ever received from a fan?
Oh, I get lots of stuff. From sweet letters and stuffed animals to girls' panties. Sometimes fans send me demos they recorded themselves. I think that's really cool.

Who is your biggest idol?
Oh, dear... Well, I am a big fan of David Bowie, of course. And Stereophonics. That's also a band I really like.

What is your biggest sin?
I am a bit of a control freak. That is my most obvious negative trait, but at the same time it's also one of my best traits. It goes both ways.

When was the last time you got a speeding ticket?
Haha, I like this question. But, no, actually I am a good driver. I have never been pulled aside for speeding or anything. Because I'm not someone who races as fast as he can once he reaches the highway, haha.

What time period would you enjoy lliving in?
I would like to fast forward 30 years and look around a bit. To see if there are things like flying cars and aliens already. Also, I wouldn't mind living in the time of pirates.

What is your favourite domestic chore?
I am a very organized and tidy person. However, I am not very fond of chores and cleaning. I don't mind cooking very much, but I wouldn't say I really enjoy that either...

How much money do you spend on your looks?
Hmmm, I don't know the exact amount. What I do know is that our stage outfits are very expensive.

What are your favourite curse words?
I don't really like cursing very much. We sometimes call Georg Hobbit, but that's a pet name more than anything, really.

What do you feel ashamed of?
I don't easily feel embarresed. But now I feel that on some occasions in the past I have worn very wrong/ugly outfits, haha. But, ah well, those are things you learn from, right?

What would you do with a million?
I would buy lots and lots of presents for my family and friends, spend a part of it for myself and put the rest in my savings account. Something like that..

What is the worst pick-up line you have ever heard?
Hmm, when people walk up to me and act as if they don't know who I am. "Hey, what's your name?", haha. Terrible.

Do you notice any changes now the economy is in trouble?
It's not going so well in the music industry. There are less performances and hardly any releases at the moment...

Pick one: fastfood or a home cooked meal?
I don't really enjoying cooking, right? Augenzwinkern Sometimes I eat fastfood, but then I do choose vegetarian meals. If you're going to MacDonald's that means you can only get a cola or a milkshake...

What is the object you love most?
My microphone! I use it the most and also I'm not much of a gadgetfreak.

What would you do if you had only one day left to live?
I hope I could perform one more time with the band. A really spectacular performance, it'd be. Because, after all, performing is what I like best.

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