January 23, 2010

15 to 20 (Mexico)

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We know you love them, You ask for them month after month and therefore, taking advantage of their recent visit to Mexico we were able to talk to them alone and exclusively for 15 to 20! (magazine)
It’s noon on Tuesday in Mexico City, Many of you are in school while we, lucky ones! We’re heading to the luxurious hotel where we will meet with Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer, the four Germans most wanted by thousand of girls worldwide. Nervous? Not at all! on the contrary, we are exited and curious.
We already met them in person, but this is the first time we have them just for us. We’re here, we waited, they asked us to sit down, and minutes after, wow the guys are entering one by one.
Gustav is the first one to greet us with a “hola” perfectly pronounced and a big smile; this guy is not as rude as it seems, then Bill, the dream of millions and millions of girls, leaves us impressed with his monhwak that besides making him look taller and thinner, is supercool… We can’t stop thinking how beautiful he is, while we’re thinking Georg extends his hands, who is more handsome in person. At last Tom comes super relaxed. While they’re sitting down, we try to catch our breath and start the conversation

You’re doing really well with your Album Humanoid, how does that makes you feel?
Bill hurries to answer:
“We’re really happy because we locked ourselves a year, we didn’t go out, and we were not with our fans, all to write songs. We have spent too much time on this, and we are glad it has gone so well. In this album we didn’t wanted to do the same thing or go to the safe path, but try new things, so is nice that is working like that.”

While he’s talking we can’t help analyzing him from top to bottom: black outfit, really white skin, eyeliner and black eyeshadow (Although his wearing less makeup than usual)

Have you thought already in the second single?
“World Behind My Wall, we still have to do the video”, Tom says, who that day wore a purple bandana on the head. Their fans already know Automatic perfectly, but Is it about a girl with a cold personality who left them heartbroken? “Actually is not an autobiography because in the past 5 years I haven’t had a relationship, Bill confesses while looking everywhere, “Is about this feeling that someone is living like that, automatically, in this music business where you live too fast and superficial.

Another of your new songs, is Pain Of Love, Have you suffered so much for love, specially you Tom? Well, we know you are the one who flirts the most.
And then the twin can’t help but laugh while his thinking what to answer:
“Err, yes, I have suffered at a certain point. I’m not the expert in love.” He hasn’t even finish when the other three look at him and laugh, yes, even Gustav who looks so serious…No one believes it! Then Bill says: “The truth, is that love is the central theme of life, is what makes you wake up in the morning, and the one who take us to bed happily at night, the pain of love has everything, happiness, hatred, pain, be happy… The whole world goes through this! Besides, this are feelings that are very close to each other, love and pain “At this moment it makes us want to hug him because he says with such a deep sadness, sorry girls, we also have him really close to us, but so close… Any advice to stop this pain that love can cause?

In Human Connect To Human they sing “Boy meets girl know what to do, What do you do when you meet a girl? How do you get close to her?
Tom he laughs (he’s very cheerful!) and he says without hesitation: “I’ll invite her to the hotel!” Ok, so we responded, but don’t you ask her how old is she? “No”, he says it like if it was the most normal thing in the world. How outrageous Tom! his sincerity and the way he says it so flirtatious makes all of us burst into laughter while he smiles and continues: ” It doesn’t matter cause you can see it, right? many times you know it.

Your brother is a demon, we told Bill while all of us tried to contain the laughter.”Yes, He is!”, he responded.

We know that they don’t like to be asked for (or give) advice, but we still asked them, no one is looking at us weird, Tom laughs and everyone turns around to see Bill when he says: Everyone has known in life, We all suffered for love, Everyone except Tom. So it’s something you can’t be protected from , there is no recipe, no tip, you should let it happen.

How about you Georg?
The bassist gets totally serious and without hesitation he responds: “I have a girlfriend, so I don’t look anywhere else”. how cute! Besides being so handsome, he’s very faithful. No one laughs and everyone looks at him with respect because they know he’s really in love; they’ve caught him talking on the phone or skype with the lucky girl.

And you Gustav?
he’s thinking, we notice he’s thinking what to answer and, finally he says with resignation: “All of them just want to go with Tom, so there’s no girls for me.”
While answering, Tom and Georg are saying “awww” at the same time, we tell him that, that can’t be possible, not even one? “Yes”, he responds while looking down. We started laughing again. How nice, we are having so much fun with this guys! Despite having a really busy day they’re very relaxed and comfortable with this conversation that is being done in three languages: English, Spanish and German.

Let me see Tom, Is it really true that you know what to do when you are in front of a girl that you like? or there’s embarrassing stories where girls reject you, even knowing who you are?
“It would be very unpleasant if that happened to me”, he assures and pauses, ” But is not something realistic, there’s no embarrassing stories like that yet, fortunately.”

Have you seen how the handsome guys in the movies are sitting? with one arm bent, their hands touching their chins, and with a fixed look? well just like this is how the adorable Kaulitz twin is sitting while his brother, who’s sitting straight says:
“As for embarrassing situations and rejections, we should ask Georg”, but he wont tell us! and he only says: “Tom rejects me often…It would be very hard to explain that.” What a way to get rid of confessions!

Then what did you do when you saw the girl that is now your girlfriend?, we asked him curiously…
Everyone burst out laughing while Georg answers with a discrete smile: “We met in a nightclub, we looked at each other a few times and that’s how the relationship was developing.”

Could you say that being a member of Tokio Hotel has become more difficult or easier to hook up with a girl? of course, this question is not for you Tom.
he smiles flirtatiously and nods while Bill answers: Well, fame is a blessing at the same time and a curse because I do have(girls) where to choose from, but finding true love is difficult, almost impossible.
A miracle would have to happen, to be with my soul mate, the love of my life. You can meet girls every single day, there’s situations that can occur, but the greatest love…is complicated! ”
And while he’s answering we can’t help but notice he’s looking down, at his hands, his knees and he breathes deeply.

Bill, is there any girl that you have dated that tried to wear your makeup or clothes…or you don’t wear makeup when you go out with someone…or you tell her “That’s my eyeliner, don’t touch it”?
He laughs when he noticed that we insist talking about girls, but he doesn’t interrupt us and then he answers very calmly “I haven’t had a date in the past years, and before that there has never been a fight over makeup with a girl.”

When are you coming back to Mexico?
In early 2010 we’ll start our European tour with 32 concerts…(and I can’t read the rest because of watermark )

German without barriers (haha is like German for dummies)
If you get the chance to have Bill, or all the boys from Tokio Hotel, face to face, we guarantee you will get their attention for being the only one to speak German, so memorize these phrases and learn the correct pronunciation in order to not embarrass yourself.

Bill, I love you!
Bill, Ich liebe dich
Pronuciation: Bill ij libe dij.

I love your eyes!
Deine Augen manchen mich wild
Pronunciation: Dáine augen majen mij bildt.

Can I take a picture with you?
Kann ich micht mit dir fotografieren?
Pronunciation: Can ij mij mit dia fotografiren?

Can you give me your autograph?
Gibst du mir dein Autogramm?
Pronunciation: Gibst du mia dain autogram?

Can I give you a kiss?
Darf ich dir einen Kuss geben?
Pronunciation: Darf ij dia ain kus geben?

I’m your fan number one
Ich bin dein Fan Nr. 1.
Pronunciation: Ij bin dain fan numer ains.

And if you are brave… then yell

Bill, I want to marry you!
Bill, Ich möchte dich heiraten.
Pronunciation: Bill ij moejte dij jairate

Translation by dunkelherzscarlett

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