December 23, 2009

Russian BRAVO; Exclusive Interview

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Bravo: Hi! We have been busy calculating one thing – if just to imagine that TH guys give approximately 10 interviews a month, then since September 2005 they have been tortured about 500 times! Terrible! They have to answer the same questions over and over again. Still, this week while interviewing them we were able to surprise them. And we just told them only one thing – we told them about the gift that the Russian fans have prepared for them. Read more in the interview. And give gifts!

One day at 4 pm sharp a phone rang in Bravo editorial office. These were Tokio Hotel managers.

Shock and Thrill

Understandably, they called purposely – we had tried to arrange an interview with TH guys for some days already. But the guys were terribly busy – they were shooting the new video clip. Finally, they found some time for us and gathered together near a phone – amazingly enough, all four of them. Though Bill was the only one who spoke most of the time as usual.
Bravo: Hi! At first our congratulations! Your album became golden in Russia. Are you satisfied with the work you have done?
Bill: We have just learned about it. We are overwhelmed with joy because we have put a lot of energy, nerves, our own emotions, and love into the record – on the whole, it is a wonderful feeling when your work evokes positive responses from your listeners.
Bravo: Did you face any difficulties while recording the album?
Bill: As any creative process, recording of a new album is always hard. First of all, we want to say thank you to a great number of people who supported us all that time when we were making recordings. We received a great number of pleasant messages which helped us to stay tuned. Our friends, relatives, co-workers – all of them affected us one way or another. The album turned out lyrical, I think.
Bravo: How did your perception of music and yourselves change for four years of your career?
Bill: We were “greenhorns”. It seemed that it was so easy to turn the whole world upside down. One needs just to make a little effort. Though even today we think the same. From the very beginning, we set a lot of goals which we want to achieve. Some of them are yet to be achieved. As far as the changes are concerned, we were able to get out of Europe. We began small, and today we play in huge halls and stadiums. Tremendous feeling!
Bravo: Do you think you have already written your best song or is it yet to come?
Tom and Bill: Hm-m-m... Frankly speaking, we have so many good songs about almost everything in this world, but we sincerely hope that our best song is yet to come!
Bravo: Today many rock-bands openly talk about politics, peace and war. For instance, the last records of 30 Seconds To Mars and My Chemical Romance talk about all these things. Have you ever had any desire to write your own song-manifest?
Bill: A good question! I think it is a good idea to open a person's eyes to the world around him with the help of music. Music was created for changing people. I like the idea when art and creativity can prompt someone to action. He will go outside and try to change the world for the better. It is possible that we might write a song like that. It is all very possible.
Bravo: We know that you are big fans of “Twilight Saga”, aren't you?
Bill: Oh, yes. We simply adore it! For instance, I watched the first movie several times. And each time I reveal something new there. Unfortunately, I have not seen “New Moon” yet.
Bravo: But will you be able to see it?
Bill: I really hope I will. In the nearest future.
Bravo: Here, in the editorial office, we ask everyone our favorite question, Are you fans of Edward or Jacob?
A burst of laughter could be heard on the other end of the phone-line.
All together: Only Edward and Jacob? There are so many other cool characters there... It is so hard to choose one... Both are very interesting personalities!
Bravo: They say that Bill would be willing to play a role of a vampire.
Bill: Yeah! With great pleasure. I like the image of a vampire itself: the way they look, the way they dress, this gloomy and dismal mood.
Bravo: And what kind of a vampire would you like to be? Evil or good?
Bill: Well... if I had a chance, I would be probably an evil vampire!
Bravo: Why evil?
Bill: It is more interesting to play this role. And besides evil vampires are simply very cool.
Bravo: By the way, we need to do our mission – we promised to tell you about a gift. People on fan-site Click planted a hectare of a forest and named it in your honor. What do you think of it?
Tom: (hesitating). What? Did they plant a forest?
Bravo: It is cool, isn't it?
Tom: Wait. A whole hectare of a forest?!
Bravo: Yes, of a real pine forest!
Bill: (addressing the others). Guys, have you heard it? Unbelievable! (a loud discussion in the background). “Tokio Hotel Forest”... (Bill savors a new name). Unreal! (Das ist fantastisch!) It is an excellent idea! No one has ever given us such gifts before! I really like the fact that there are still people who take care of the environment.
Bravo: You are planning to come to Russia soon. What would you like to say to your fans here who are waiting your coming?
Bill: I really hope to see them all on our show! It is a great joy for us to play for you. Come by all means.

Translation by UNZE

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