December 21, 2009

Radio Engery (Hamburg, Germany)

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My childhood hero was...
Gustav: Hulk Hogan
Tom: B.A. from the A-Team
Georg: Tom Kaulitz :-)
Bill: David Bowie
Coca Cola or Cola Light
Gustav: Cola Light or Fritz Cola
Tom: Coca Cola
Georg: Light
Bill: Coca Cola
iPod or Vinyl
Gustav: Vinyl
Tom: both
Georg: Vinyl
Bill: iPod
For breakfast I have...
Gustav: meat & bread
Tom: coffee & toast
Georg: cereal
Bill: coffee & toast
swimming or skiing
Gustav: skiing
Tom: swimming, but I'm good at both
Georg: skiing
Bill: swimming
The last DVD I bought was...
Gustav: The Notebook
Tom: Public Enemies
Georg: Hellboy 2
Bill: Public Enemies
The Highlight of my day...
Gustav: the first coffee
Tom: the first cigarette
Georg: going to bed
Bill: being woken up by my dog
In my pants pockets I have...
Gustav: mobile phone and wallet
Tom: mobile phone and at least 1 condom
Georg: guitar pick
Bill: nothing
My current favourite word is...
Gustav: Schneegestöber (snowstorm)
Tom: urst
Georg: ulk
Bill: Humanoid
My life motto is...
Gustav: At least everything goes wrong
Tom: I stopped looking for a motto
Georg: -
Bill: I don't have one.
sushi or burgers
Gustav: both
Tom: sushi
Georg: sushi
Bill: sushi
Anything else...
Gustav: everything runs
Tom: Georg sucks!
Georg: I have to...
Bill: a lot too hot
Translation by onerva @ th_apex

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